Salary Comparisons

The information on these pages is presented to provide you with information about how our elected officials' salaries compare with their peers in other states and with public positions within the state of Washington.

The following chart compares the salary for the Governor of Washington with a few public managerial positions in the state.

Position Salary
U of W President $749,000
WSU President $625,000
Vancouver City Manager $266,447
ESD 113 Tumwater $225,000
ESD 114 Bremerton $211,537
Walla Walla School Superintendent $207,173
ESD 101 Spokane $205,081
Olympia City Manager $195,000
Governor $187,353
Aberdeen School Superintendent
Lacey City Manager $162,003


View additional comparative data on the following pages.

Legislative Salary Comparisons

Judges Salary Comparisons

Executive Branch Salary Comparisons

Comparison data was obtained by telephone and internet surveys by Commission staff.